Releasing the Birds

One of my favourite happenings at the Nine Emperor Gods Festival each year (and at Chinese festivals in general) is the releasing of small birds. I don’t like to see them caged, but the act of releasing them is lovely. I understand that in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, releasing birds does two things to smooth your path in life – it gets rid of people and things that cause you trouble and invites the assistance of people who have an ability to save you from hopeless situations. Your odds of being successful are increased if you release birds. The birds are better off too.
And besides that the people who release the birds seem very happy to be doing it! So here are a couple more photos of those dear children. Their father bought them a second cage of birds to release, just so I could photograph them. That was pressure! The girls grabbed the cage and opened it and I was scrabbling! These were my last shots today and the first ones to share. There is a nice balance in that.