Other Photographers Show Their Stuff

Oh how we pine for those bundles of Joss Sticks. So, to help those of us still looking for a Nine Emps fix – I’m passing on some work by some other photographers. The photojournalists (of course) were the first in. But the other photographers have been busy for the past week, editing and posting. The photos below are the property of the photographers and are copyrighted. Thanks and kudos to them for giving me permission to post them here.
You can start with a visit to my favourite Nine Emperor Gods blogger, Sien Liew and his up-your-toot-blogspot.

I think his blog should be called “The Reverent Irreverent” or maybe the “Irreverent Reverent.” He makes me smile. Be sure to read the captions. Sean’s blog combines entertainment, religion and photography. Who could ask for more!?!
The next place you should go is to Rahman Roslan’s blog. His work always knocks me right off my chair.

I love what he did in the few hours he was at the festival on the Ninth day. Check out how he sees the light and how he captures the essence of the place. He’s a photojournalist extraordinaire. The B&W is quite effective at a festival that screams colour. You can check out his work on his blog here: http://rahmanroslan.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/nine-emperor-gods/
Then check out Raja Indra Putra’s photos on his FB. This is a photographer who really should have a blog.

Ripi is a great street photographer, who is always insightful. He sees a lot of things differently than most of us. Gotta love this stuff. He says this is his first trip to the Nine Emperor God Festival but it’s hard to believe that when you see his work. He is wise beyond his years! When you go to his albums here and here, be sure to tell him that he should have a blog! I hope those albums are public. If not, friend him and let him know he should have a blog. ? He’ll thank me for that!
I recommend that you have a look at Matt Brandon’s blog for some shots from Penang. Matt thought I could embed his slideshow in my blog, but he doesn’t know me very well!! And his blog/website is very upscale (read secure) in keeping with his photography, so I had to resort to grabbing an image.

Matt is new to the world of the Nine Emperor’s so it is interesting to see how he applies his photography skills to the colour, lights and drama that is the festival in Penang. I think you will get lost in a lot of his other portfolios when you open up his site. Exquisite work.
And if you are still hungry for images, go to Yee Loon’s Facebook album. The dozen photos posted there leave us asking for more.

He has been photographing at Ampang for awhile now, has developed some good access and personal relationships and you can see in his photos that he plans ahead and anticipates well. That’s an important part of photographing something like this and Yee Loon does it well.

And here’s one last one, for now. Fresh, enthusiastic, inspiring. A young couple, traveling the world, had an incredible experience at the Nine Emperor Gods festival in Ampang. Check out the post on their blog to see how much fun they had with red turtles. Given the enthusiasm for exploring, it’s easy to think that they have many more rewarding adventures ahead. Just another reason to love the Nine Emperor Gods festival. And I love this because they had a look at my blog before they visited the festival and thanked me for the information! Rewarding.